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Introducing Swift

December 1, 2023
7 min read

Sportbookr is now Swift.

Today marks a significant moment in our company's history - as we transition away from Sportbookr, and towards Swift. This change is not just cosmetic - it's being done because it means something special.

Let's explain why we're rebranding, and why Swift.

The Rebrand

When we first started on this journey, building a full-fledged company was not the goal. All we were trying to do was help our local sports facility out, since the owner was complaining about drowning in a sea of calls, texts, and messages to handle bookings.

While still working full-time, we started building a little prototype to help the owner out. We gave it the internal codename "Sportbookr" because - well frankly because the name was irrelevant. It was just meant to be a side project that hopefully helps someone out.

Fast-forward to today, everything has changed. That little side project has turned into a company. The prototype has grown into a beautiful product. And that one owner has turned into many. Everything, except the name, had evolved.

Now, it's time to complete the evolution.

"Swift" & Our Ethos: Move Effortlessly

So why Swift?

Having decided on the rebrand, we spent hours debating and coming up with the right name - something that aligns with how our customers feel about us, and matches our ability to help improve their business. We also wanted the name to be slightly related to the sports industry, without being as explicit and narrow as Sportbookr was.

After tons of variations, we landed on Swift. And we love it.

In the world of sport, you'll often hear "swift" and "agile" thrown around. It usually signifies athletes that are able to move quickly without effort. Both of those pieces are key.

Our product helps sport facility owners feel & move like those athletes. They're able to hit the ground running, get setup in minutes without any training, and focus on growing their business instead of spending time on the phone. With our product, facilities are able to move more effortlessly than ever before.

What does this mean for you?

Great, that makes sense. But what does this rebrand mean for you?

If you're a customer & facility owner, we've already reached out to make sure that none of your bookings or customers are affected during the rebrand. Old booking pages, widgets, and links will all automatically be redirected to our new websites & domains.

If you're an athlete, player, or parent that relies on Swift to make bookings - it's business as usual. You should see your favourite facility's pages in a slightly new form, with most of the familiar elements still present.

The goal of this rebrand is to align our team's ethos, our product's strengths, and our company's name. Now that this is done, let's move on to what's most important - helping sports facilities operate as effortlessly as possible.

Let's move swiftly.

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